Soccer Tournament

A couple of weeks ago, we had a CISA football tournament against the other schools part of the CISA community- QSI, CDIS, Meishi and Confucius. However, Meishi and Confucius did not have a team. I think that this team gave their hardest and gave their all for this season. During practices we practiced as much […]

Renaissance Project Reflection

For Language arts this semester, we had been focussing on the topic ‘Renaissance.’ Like always, we had an assessment task do display our understandings. I decided to use the format of a chapter from a text book with information not just about the Renaissance but the writers at that time as well. I also incorporated […]

Renaissance- “Connections to Today”

A couple of weeks ago, our class was divided into four groups and we were all asked to display some part of the Renaissance in the best possible way. Our topic was ‘Connections to Today.’ We were all given our own display board. Some groups decided not to use them; however, we decided that it […]

End of Passion Project:(

A couple of weeks ago, we decided as a group that it would not be possible for us to finish the passion project successfully on time if we had continued it and that it would have added on the pressure we already would have had because of exams. I was a bit disappointed when I […]

Danyal’s Book’s Reflection

A couple of days ago, I started to read Danyal’s book. I didn’t finish reading it but till now it is very intriguing. It is not like the books I usually read and in all honesty, I did not know whether I would like it or not. However, when I started reading it, I fell […]

Passion Project

As I mentioned in my previous blog post, my passion project is to basically improve so much on art that I can produce something that is eye catching and appealing. I am still working on filling up my sketchbook with sketches. I don’t think I am still good enough to be able to draw whatever […]

Passion Project

For a couple of weeks, I have been endlessly working on improving art. I got different shades in pencils, micron pens, water color pencils and other art utensils. In my free time, I draw and I draw and I draw. I am trying really hard to get better at it. When Mrs. T brought up […]


In language arts, we read a short story called Utopia by Thomas Moore. In this text, Moore discussed his ideas of a perfect world- his Utopia. In class, I compared my Utopia with his and tried to see the similarities and differences between the two. While doing so, I realized how different the two are. […]