As I read through all the texts I chose to broaden my thoughts on the idea of ‘culture’ the main themes I saw were racism, gender discrimination and being part of two cultures. When we got the task of forming our own thesis statement, my main goal was to bring these three points together and build something that showed that these would be the ideas I would discuss later on in my three body paragraphs.

After a lot of thought and research, the thesis statement I came up with was; depending on their own cultural background, these authors have explored ideas of gender discrimination, racism and being part of two cultures in their writing.

I think the point I can relate to the most is being part of two or more cultures. As I mentioned in my essay, some people are rooted in one culture but have been imbedded in another. The way I have been brought up is not a very ‘traditional’ Pakistani way of being brought up and now that I have lived in various countries and met people with different cultural backgrounds, I have absorbed other kinds of cultures. Some people believe that merging into other cultures is a bad thing, but I believe it is good in a way. You get exposure in different lifestyles which helps communicating with different kinds of people because you know where they come from.

When I got the corrections for my first draft back, I realized that I discussed the idea of being part of culture a bit too much and now I know that when I now edit my essay, it will have a balance between the three main ideas I talked about in my essay.

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